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">PhotoFilm< - the Third State of Artistic Matter"
"Constant Photography"


University of Silesia in Katowice,
Faculty of Fine Arts and Music in Cieszynie,
Bielska 62, 43-400 Cieszyn


'Silesia' - Postindustrial spaces, familoks (workers' houses for Silesian miners), Silesians. These conventions, known well, in the assumption should make a new narration, thanks for stretching the regulation in the time. Portrayed faces are assuming the emotional charge inaccessible to the static photograph. Figures are suspended in the time. Although they are breathing, flickering with their eyes, their move is illusory. Photographs don't have individual titles on purpose. They also do not indicate any specific places or photographed objects.

Description popularizing the research project

"Beautiful moment, do not pass away!" rarely does the wish come true and even if it does, it is just an illusion of the state of mind. So far, nobody has succeeded at stopping the time. The first one to come close to the fleeting impossibility was Louis Jacques Daguerre, heralded the father of photography, although he followed the footsteps of his less-renowned predecessors. Inventing a process, named after him daguerreotype, stirred enthusiasm in France which then rippled throughout the world. Never before had the world been so close to capturing precious moments and preserving them forever. Generation by generation, new features were added to a daguerreotype camera, leading to today's digital photos and egalitarian photography of mobile phone users. Even the simplest digital cameras are capable of editing the actual image captured in a frame. Using them, many a photography fans can document passing-by moments, create them, transform and arrange the way they like the most, closer and closer artistic photography.
How long has it been between a daguerreotype camera and a compact digital camera? Long, or just, 180 years and most probably it is not the end of evolution of photography. Sixty years after Louis Jacques Daguerre, the Lumiere brothers presented to the world the first the first cinematograph, which enabled capturing a sequence of moves. The invention expanded to become what we know as movie industry crowned with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' annual Oscar ceremony. Is there a distinct border between photography and filming? If we sharpened the image, it would turn out that unlike it is with a lens, the border is more and more blurred and reveals a niche territory to fill in. The limbo will be filled with ideas and emotions too vast for a single frame. The idea of 'the decisive moment' capturing a while with releasing the shutter matters less and less. Between a photo and a film there is room for a sequence of images, which encompasses a fragment of space-time, where the borders, drawn with the time of exposure, fade. Art is limited only by an artist's imagination.


"Constant Photography" is a research-artistic project carried out at the Artistic Department of Silesian University in Cieszyn within the framework of the grant "Subsidy for Young Scientists". The project was carried out in 2015. The idea is examining border states of photographs . A resignation from the nature of the photographic record is a point of departure, resignation from the moment of releasing the shutter, and from "the decisive moment". As a result the image is recorded in form of film sequences, yet arranged in such a way that they make an impression of a constant photograph not a film. The photograph, which does not aspire to the medium of a film, is able to provide new channels of conveying information. It makes it possible to present new art phenomena, concepts, and forms hitherto unattainable both for photography and for film. The tool is an important factor in the creative process, it is not possible to express paint-ing concepts with the sculpture, or the music with the graphics. The medium and the discipline of the art always determine the framework of the message. Developing a new tool, or a new technique, means opening new opportunities of formulating artistic concepts, therefore work-ing on the very tool was an important aspect of this project. Under the grant, using the studied artistic method, I created series of the Constant Photographs showing Silesian landscape and people." Artistic supervisor: prof. Witold Jacyków University of Silesia Faculty of Fine Arts and Music.


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